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Traffic Stop Turns into Drug Bust

(Michigan City, IN) - Traveling with an expired license plate in Michigan City resulted in the arrest of a suspected user of hard drugs.


Justin Main, 32, is charged with Possession of Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Marijuana.


According to court documents, Main was one of four occupants of a vehicle stopped on October 19 on E. Michigan Boulevard for an expired license plate.  A K-9, during a free-air sniff, detected the presence of drugs in the vehicle, which led to the seizure of a small amount of cocaine and marijuana.


Nobody wanted to reveal who the drugs belonged to until they were informed everyone would go to jail since they were not cooperating with the investigation.


Police said all fingers then pointed to Main.


While searching his groin area, Main was later found with more cocaine and methamphetamine in plastic baggies.


The Eau Claire, Michigan man was still held in the La Porte County Jail on a $15,000 bond.

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