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Most Dangerous City Heavily Disputed

(Michigan City, IN) - Michigan City being more dangerous than even Gary and South Bend is being hotly disputed by local officials.


A report by upgradedhome.com ranks Michigan City as the most dangerous Indiana city. South Bend is ranked second most dangerous in the publication, while Gary was sixth.


The rankings were addressed at last night’s Michigan City Common Council meeting.  Council President Michael Mack called the article “fake.” The column also drew comparisons between Michigan City and Detroit because of the number of abandoned and dilapidated buildings. Mack said the report overlooked the investments made and more coming.


“There is a huge market of well-financed people that are coming to Michigan City with big ideas that are already started and there’s bigger ideas that are being discussed.  It is the most phony article that I’ve ever read from an insider’s point of view from knowing what’s actually going on.  We are not dilapidated. We are not heading south,” he said.

Councilwoman Angle Nelson Deuitch said the article was based on innuendo and stereotypes. She also claimed the writer’s background is in home decorating and real estate.


“It’s garbage in my opinion,” Nelson Deuitch said.

Over the past few years, other publications have ranked Michigan City the most dangerous in Indiana or the top 10 most dangerous. Councilman Paul Przybylinski said he feels safe in the city but felt the article was cause for concern.


The article said violent crime is “not that bad” in Michigan City, but the rate of theft and property-related crimes was highest. The report also cited a 27 percent poverty rate as a factor in its ranking.

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