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City Provided Ambulance Service Explored

(La Porte, IN) - The City of La Porte is looking at possibly having its own ambulance service.  Right now, ambulance service is provided countywide by the La Porte County Emergency Medical Service.


La Porte Fire Chief Andy Snyder said a study shows a city provided service would do things like ease increased demand on the county government run operation.  Currently, Snyder says firefighters assist EMS with calls but receive no money in return.  The city would collect fees with their own ambulance service.


Snyder said 14 people would have to be hired and additional equipment bought for a city provided ambulance service.  The estimated start-up costs would be more than $2 million but grants would be sought to offset the initial expense and service fees used to cover the daily operating expenses.  “Our goal is not to replace the county EMS system. We’re just here to supplement it and to prioritize the citizens of La Porte,” Snyder said.


Snyder said ambulances would be stationed at the fire stations on 18th Street and Daytona Street.  He said a decision is not expected for at least several months while they search for possible sources of outside funding. 

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