Local News

Return of Crows Leads to Squawking

(La Porte, IN) - Crows are flocking in heavy numbers to the trees outside the courthouse

in downtown La Porte, once again.


Crows were run off with noise makers and other disruptive devices years ago because

of the waste they leave behind on the historic courthouse and grounds.  On a daily basis, the crows fly away around sunrise and swoop back in before sunset.


“It’s a travesty that something is not being done,” said Allen Stevens of Hanna.  He raised the issue during Wednesday’s La Porte County Commissioners meeting.  Stevens urged similar measures taken years ago to scare away the crows be used again.


Guns firing blanks and other noise makers along with strobe lights were resorted to years ago to discourage the crows from roosting at the courthouse.  Stevens said the crows moved to a woods on the west side of the city but returned to the courthouse after the woods was torn down to make way for new development.


Wildlife experts say crows venture out into fields to forage during the day and return to cities at night because of temperatures a bit warmer than out in the rural areas.

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