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Public Invited to Christmas Lunch

(La Porte, IN) - The Pax Center, affiliated with the State Street Community Church, is inviting the public to celebrate and share food and friendship at a Christmas Day lunch in La Porte


In a year that has presented many challenges, Pastor Nate Loucks said the Pax Center at 605 Washington St. remains committed to ensuring that the holiday season is felt by every member of the community.


People are welcome to attend from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM and enjoy a home-cooked meal with ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and desserts.


"We believe nobody in our community should spend Christmas alone or without a warm meal. This time and space is not just about food, it's also about community and helping our friends and neighbors know that they are never alone during the holidays," said Loucks, the church pastor and president of the Pax Center.


No reservations are required to attend.

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