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Veterans Day Ceremony in La Porte

(La Porte, IN) - Veterans’ Day is this Saturday, but the annual Veterans Day ceremony in La Porte was held earlier this morning


The guest speaker was George Lawson, an Iraq veteran who grew up in Kingsford Heights.


Lawson talked about many things, including how rewarding it is to serve the country and the respect that comes with it, especially from people in other countries. He said supporters of the military back home are the reason veterans are held in high regard.


“No matter where I go in the world to know I get to represent you, what an honor. When people tell me thank you for your service, I’m like, no, thank you,” he said.


Lawson also said the future of the country is always in the hands of the next generation wanting to serve.


“They’ve done what they could do and it’s time for the next generation to take that.  Ronald Reagan said we are just one generation from not being free. That is so true,” he said.


Lawson spoke further about the heartfelt sacrifices families make when their loved ones join the military and sometimes find themselves in combat. He recalled telephone conversations with his mother while serving the country.


“I didn’t realize the fear and the joy of me talking to her and her knowing I was o.k.  It was something I didn’t appreciate until now,” he said.


La Porte City Councilman Roger Galloway, who’s also a veteran, led the large audience in the singing of the national anthem. In addition, patriotic performances were conducted by middle school and high school students in choir and band in La Porte.

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