Local News

Life-Saving Competition Moves to La Porte.

(La Porte, IN) - An annual fund raising competition will be held this year for the first time in the City of La Porte.


The 5K and 10K walk and run, dubbed the "Bolt for the Heart," has been hosted in Michigan City since the event’s inception four-years ago. There, money is raised to provide life-saving devices in the vehicles of police and other emergency responders countywide.

The devices themselves are designed to restore the heartbeat in people experiencing cardiac arrest.


Mayor Tom Dermody said the goal is to have well over 1,000 people taking part in the competition, presently scheduled for October 14th.


“We need sign ups early.  We have committed to 1,200 participants because we know La Porte supports Bolt for the Heart and we’re about saving lives."


La Porte City Councilwoman Julie West illustrated that one way to register is to simply use one's phone on a code displayed on a banner hanging at Cummings Lodge.


“Anybody that comes by there can go ahead and register for the race,” she said.


The La Porte City Police and County Sheriff’s Office are among the local law enforcement agencies that have received the life-saving devices with money generated by the event.

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