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Meer Proposes Scholarships for Police/Fire

(Michigan City, IN) - A candidate for mayor in Michigan City wants to offer scholarships to police officers and firefighters to stop high turnover rates.


Former mayor Ron Meer says the money is there from the city’s existing Promise Scholarship Program. The program, offering $5,000-a-year scholarships, was started several years ago with a percentage of the city’s share of riverboat proceeds. In addition, Meer said he would push to use the new public safety income tax in La Porte County to increase the pay of police officers and firefighters in Michigan City.


The idea is to attract more emergency responder applicants and retain them once hired.  Meer, who previously served two terms as mayor, said public safety for him is absolutely a top priority.


“This makes us competitive.” he said.


Right now, only qualifying residents within the city limits are eligible for scholarships under the existing program. Meer said he would look to change that to include police officers and firefighters even if they live outside the city.


Police officers and firefighters in Michigan City were given pay raises last year, but the amount was viewed by administrators in those departments as not enough to solve problems with turnover and staffing shortages.


Meer is running against four other Democrats for the party’s nomination.

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