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Study Reveals Dangers in Indiana Workplaces

(State of Indiana) - Indiana may be a more dangerous state to work in than you think. 


According to a recent report by the AFL-CIO, Indiana ranks below average in terms of workplace deaths relative to size of workforce.  Indiana is 35th in terms of worker safety, according to the report, which reviewed 2019 data. 146 Hoosiers were killed on the job in 2019.  The study also found that, overall, jobs in agriculture, forestry, and wildlife led to the most fatalities.  Also, workplace violence was the third leading cause of workplace death.


The study mixes fact and political opinion.  US Department of Labor statistics show a 60% reduction in workplace death rates since the 90s, with the biggest improvements in mining, construction, and government workplaces.  According to the study, safety improvements initiated by President Obama were thwarted by deregulation in the Trump administration. "Now with a democratic majority in all of Congress," the study claims, "there are more opportunities for action on long-needed worker protection legislation."


The complete study can be found at the AFL-CIO website or by clicking here.

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