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Washington Park Beach to Remain Closed

(Michigan City, IN) – The beaches in Michigan City are off limits now until next month.  The city council Tuesday voted to extend the closure of Washington Park beach and beaches east of there until September 13.


The decision came after mayor Duane Parry said he wants to reopen the lakefront but can’t find enough workers to man the gates or enforce restrictions that might be imposed to limit attendance for social distancing purposes.  He said many of the workers at the gates previously have left for school and senior citizens who normally fill in during this time period don’t want to work out of fear of contracting COVID-19.


Councilman Paul Pryzbylinski suggested hiring security officers under contract to work the gates and enforce restrictions so the beaches can reopen.  Pryzbylinski said the other beaches from Stops 2 to 13, despite also being closed, are still heavily attended by people ignoring signs revealing the beaches are off limits.

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